background, plant 4 which was under construction.

Federal Minister Julia Klöckner together with the Mayor of Idar-Oberstein Frank Frühauf (right) and the management of Polymer-Holding GmbH (from left: Daniel Bach, Dr. Gerald Hauf).

In August, Dr. Günter Hauf founds Polymer-Chemie GmbH headquartered in Bad Sobernheim.
Polymer-Chemie GmbH begins its business operations with the production of PVC paste, which is used in underbody protection in the automotive industry. The first production facility is located in factory space from the company Johann Hay Automobiltechnik GmbH.
1975 - 1977
In 1975, contract manufacturing of PVC compounds was started for cables for Alcatel, one of the company’s biggest customers for many years.
In the same year, together with Johann Hay Automobiltechnik GmbH, the company moved into the shared administration building at Haystrasse 7-13, Bad Sobernheim.
Over the course of the next two years, PVC remained the plastic of choice in the expansion of the product portfolio. New activities included the compounding of soft and hard PVC granules and hard PVC dryblend.
Founding of plant 2 at Haystrasse 20 in Bad Sobernheim. In a new business segment, the production and marketing of polyolefin foams begins. These include, among other things, PE foams for application as sealants as well as thermal or sound insulation (footstep sound insulation) in the construction sector.
The production of plastic profiles begins. Their marketing is initially conducted through the company Technoform, a Swiss subsidiary.
Soft PVC compounds are part of the product range especially for the manufacturing of shoe soles in Russia.
Founding of plant 3 at Haystrasse 21 in Bad Sobernheim and beginning of the production and marketing of polyolefin compounds. The main focus of business operations is initially on contract manufacturing of PP-EPDM-talcum compounds as well as compounds based on technical plastics for the automotive industry. The first plant is commissioned in October.
Integration of plastic profile manufacturing in plant 2.
Polymer-Chemie GmbH employs more than 100 people for the first time.
Recycling business operations begin with a focus on PP compounds for the automotive industry.
With the construction of plant 4 for PVC compounding, the development of the new location “Am Gefach” begins.
Construction of plant 5 for PP recyclate at the “Am Gefach” location.
Beginning of the PP compound contract manufacturing for the new customer Fina Mitsui Technologie (FMT), a joint venture between partners Total Raffinage Chimie SA and Mitsui Chemicals.
Beginning of the manufacturing of wallpaper on the basis of PE foams.
Shutdown of plant 1 in the Haystraße and complete relocation of activities to the “Am Gefach” location.
Production begin and marketing of pressed parts for the automotive industry at the Pferdsfeld location.
Begin of manufacturing of PE chalk compounds in contract manufacturing for the company Clopay (at that time Finotech) for breathable films especially for the production of diapers.
Dr. Gerald Hauf takes over management of Polymer-Chemie GmbH from his father, Dr. Günter Hauf.
Business activities of the plastics compounding and plastics processing are split up. The polyolefin foam manufacturing, the profile manufacturing and the pressed parts manufacturing are spun-off to the company Polymer-Tec.
At the same time, termination of activities for the manufacturing of wallpaper on the basis of PE foams.
Recognized three times as “Supplier of the Year” by GM/Opel for outstanding activities in the recycling of PP.
The 100,000th ton of PE chalk compound for Clopay is manufactured and delivered.
Changed market conditions lead to the sale of business operations in the area of PVC pastes. This ends nearly 30 years of activities in the founding segment of Polymer-Chemie GmbH. The new focus is on the production of PVC compounds.
Beginning of the compounding of TPE compounds in contract manufacturing for Mitsui Chemicals.
A year full of landmark events:
Founding of TechnoCompound GmbH and takeover of plastics recycling in plant 5. In addition, entry into commercial long-glass fibre compounding.
Cooperation with the Japanese company Mitsui Chemicals leads to the founding of Sun Alloys Europe GmbH as a 50:50 joint venture. The contract compounding of TPE compounds is transferred to the joint venture. In addition, beginning of the reactive compounding of PE/PP compounds for Mitsui Chemicals.
Start of sales activities for PVC compounds in Russia.
Start of production and manufacturing of metal powder compounds for metal powder injection moulding on the basis of a soluble binder system under the product name polyMIM®.
Founding of the Russian subsidiary Polymer-Chemie Rus.
The 100,000th ton of PP compound for Total, now the Polymer-Group’s largest customer, is produced.
Groundbreaking for the new production plant in Tula, Russia.
Spin-off of the contract compounding business activities for polyolefin
(plant 3) in the independent subsidiary Polyblend GmbH.
The logistics centre Am Gefach is built and put into operation. It has eight loading ramps for the processing of cargo logistics, an 18-meter high-bay warehouse system for approximately 8,500 pallets, six storage facilities and more than 250 silos for the storage of raw materials and finished goods.
2009 - 2010
Focusing of business activities on plastics compounding. In the course of this move, the pressed parts production in Pferdsfeld is stopped.
Business activities for the production of polyolefin foams are sold to Sekisui Alveo GmbH.
The production of plastic profiles is sold as part of a management buyout and transferred to Idepro GmbH.
The newly-founded subsidiary PolyMIM GmbH takes over manufacturing and marketing of metal powder compounds.
A positive business development leads to an expansion of the compounding capacities at Sun Alloys Europe GmbH and to the construction of a new production building (formerly storage facility 8).
2009 - 2012
Development of the ERP system Poly.ERP together with Kirchhoff-Datensysteme GmbH & Co.KG.
Market launch of metal power compounds on the basis of catalytic debindering under the product name polyPOM.
Begin of production of PVC dryblends in the Russian plant (Polymer-Chemie Rus).
The independent company SL Sobernheimer Logistik GmbH and assumes responsibility for internal plant logistics.
Development of PVC compounds with filling materials based on rice husks from the company Reystra.
A further strategic step forward: Polyblend GmbH is transformed into a joint venture with the sale of majority shares to Total Raffinage Chimie SA.
As a result of increased market demand, production capacities at Polymer-Chemie Rus are expanded to include soft and hard PVC granules.
Polymer-Holding GmbH is established as parent company of the Polymer-Group. In this connection, the PVC compounding is spun-off as an independent subsidiary while maintaining the company name Polymer-Chemie GmbH.
PolyMIM GmbH produces metal powder injection moulding compounds on the basis of titan for applications in aerospace technology.
TechnoCompound GmbH develops carbon-fibre compounds for lightweight design applications.
Start of production and marketing of bio-degradable plastic compounds under the name BioBatch by TechnoCompound GmbH.
The Polymer-Group welcomes more than 800 visitors at its “Open House”.
For the second consecutive year, the Polymer Group produces an annual volume of over 200,000 metric tons.
State Premier of Rheinland-Pfalz, Malu Dreyer, visits the Polymer-Group.
Polymer Group sells Polyblend shares and plans investments in bioplastics.
Federal Minister Julia Klöckner took the opportunity to inquire about the project on the development of PLA copolymers funded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture in cooperation with the Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V.
The Polymer Group has established another subsidiary, SoBiCo GmbH (Solutions in BioCompounds).
The company's activities focus on flexible PLA copolymers, a novel class of bioplastics marketed under the name of
Plactid® and developed in several years of collaboration with Frauenhofer-IAP.
On 05 July 2022, the commissioning of the first production line in Pferdsfeld was celebrated.
The positive development of the Polymer Group is also reflected in the number of employees. With around 500 employees, the Polymer Group is one of the largest employers in the Nahe region.