Published by:
TechnoCompound GmbH
Represented by the Managing Directors:
Dirk Breitbach, Florian Schwanebeck
D-55566 Bad Sobernheim
Phone +49 6751 85605-0
Fax +49 6751 85605-180
District Court (Amtsgericht) Bad Kreuznach HRB 20085
VAT No. DE 814 552 707
TechnoCompound GmbH
Am Gefach
D-55566 Bad Sobernheim
General Terms of Use
Access to and use of the website is subject to the following terms and conditions. If you do not agree to the following terms, please do not use this website. This website was developed and is administered by TechnoCompound GmbH. We reserve the right to change our website, the general terms of use, as well as our general terms and conditions, completely or in part, without notice whenever we deem necessary or to discontinue the website.
We point out that upon each visit to our website possible changes or additions should be taken note of.
Copyright and Limited License
All information, documents and presentations published on this website are the sole property of TechnoCompound. Use of materials on this website is authorized under the following conditions:
- Copies must without exception contain a copyright note.
- All information must be for personal use only, not for commercial use.
- Content of this website must not be changed in any way.
- Pictures and other illustrations of this website may only be used in context with its text.
Limitation of Liability
All information made available on this website is provided on an 'as is' basis. The contents of this website are subject to continuous updates and we make every effort to keep the information up to date. The objective of this website is to inform you about our company, our products and our service range. TechnoCompound does not warrant that any such information on this website is accurate or complete. We recommend to check every time any information obtained from this website on its accuracy. Should you need advice on our products or services, we are at your command. Please contact us directly if necessary.
The user accepts to access this website and use its contents at his own risk. Liability for damages or violations arising out of the use of this website is hereby excluded.
Information provided by the User
The website user who sends information to TechnoCompound is responsible for the content and its accuracy. He also warrants that no rights of third parties are violated.
The user agrees that TechnoCompound may store and use this information for statistical purposes.
The contents of messages including ideas, inventions, concepts, techniques or special know-how may be used by TechnoCompound. This applies e.g. to the development, manufacturing and/or marketing of products or services.
Privacy Policy
The user of this website does not have to provide any identification. TechnoCompound will therefore not collect any personal information, unless you choose to provide such data. You will be informed about the purpose of information requested such as e.g. name, address, telephone number or e-mail address. In case you do not wish to disclose any personal data, you may in some cases not be able to obtain certain types of information.
Applicable Law and Justice
Any claim or matter arising in connection with this website are governed by German law and subject to the jurisdiction of the District Court (Amtsgericht) Bad Kreuznach to the exclusion of regulations of international private law and the law ruling international transport of movable goods based on the Hague Convention of 1 July 1964 and the UN-Convention of 11 April 1980.